The RILON Initiative brings together expert voices, regional on-the-ground knowledge and case management and decision-making capacity from colleagues who are working to address a challenge – from the various different perspectives of law enforcement, border and immigration management, maritime agencies and other relevant departments.

RILON Coordination Groups
RILON Coordination Groups
Thematic, time-limited and where appropriate, regionally-focused RILON Coordination Groups can be established in response to priority regional challenges, to move forwards dialogue and cross-border working. Establishment of these networks aims to support an agile response to an emerging issue or priority topic—for example, trafficking into online scam centres.
- RILON Coordination Group membership consists of government officials across multiple agencies who are working to address specific priority issues, as determined by Bali Process Member States.
- Groups are time-limited, with RILON Coordination Groups led by a Member State as Chair, and day-to-day coordination supported by the RSO and a Member State secondee to the RSO offices in Bangkok, Thailand.