RSO Networks

The Bali Process membership stretches across the Asia Pacific and reaches across to Europe, Africa and North America—providing a unique regional opportunity for collaboration, information sharing and dialogue.
Members Engagement Function 2023 (14)
RSO networks aim to facilitate dialogue and collaboration and support efficient and effective ways of working—from maintaining opportunities for connection and collaboration through the RSO Alumni Network to support for information sharing across borders, to coordinating resourcing and efforts across donors and regional actors.
RSO ALumni
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Alumni Network

Alumni Network

The RSO Alumni Network supports continued engagement with colleagues working across policy development, law enforcement and border immigration who have taken part in RSO training and activities, providing a space for ongoing networking opportunities, peer-to-peer learning and collaboration, and leadership development.

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The Regional Information, Liaison and Outreach Network Initiative (RILON Initiative)

The Regional Information, Liaison and Outreach Network Initiative (RILON Initiative)

The Regional Information, Liaison and Outreach Network Initiative (RILON Initiative) aims to provide an active space for dialogue and sharing of non-operationally sensitive information—enabling access to relevant cross-border counterparts for maritime and border agencies, law enforcement and other relevant departments—to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of cross-border responses to people smuggling activities, trafficking in persons and other transnational criminal threats.

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