RSO Border Forum

The RSO Border Forum bring together colleagues at a senior government and frontline official level across the Bali Process membership to facilitate cross-border dialogue and sharing of practices and insights that encourage coordinated action. Attendees are drawn from law enforcement, border and immigration management, maritime agencies, policy makers, the judiciary system and counter-trafficking and counter-smuggling officials.
Building networks and sharing knowledge and best practice
Transnational crimes, including immigration-related offenses, people smuggling by air, maritime people smuggling and trafficking into online scam centres cannot be addressed in isolation. The Border Forum serves as a crucial event in the RSO's calendar to support networking and relationship building across the Bali Process membership at an operational level, and support sharing of knowledge and best practice.


The objectives of the RSO Border Forum are to:

  • Bring together colleagues across Bali Process Member and Observer States and Organisations at a senior government and official level to facilitate cross-border dialogue that encourages coordinated action and proposed activity to further cross-border efforts in tackling trafficking in persons, people smuggling and transnational crime.
  • Support networking and exchange of contacts at a senior practitioner level across Bali Process Member States.
  • Supports awareness and understanding of latest threats and emerging trends around trafficking in persons, people smuggling and transnational crime, through Member State updates and case studies, RSO and regional partner led workshop activities, table-top exercises, and through high-profile regional speakers.